Friday, December 30, 2005

Being social

Poking my head up from all the christmas stuff and yes I am still alive. Family has headed home and we have wound down just a bit after our visit. Why is it we try to get as much in as we can during the christmas break and then spend a whole solitary time from January until spring?

Today we are going out to spend an afternoon with former co-workers of my spouse. We have not seen these people in years and I must admit that I am not looking forward to it. When it was suggested weeks ago, I thought yeah that might be fun, but now I am aprehensive. Why? Well I find that as I am getting older and not going out of the house to work, I am becoming more hermit like. Sometimes I just don't want to make the effort in idle chit chat. I find it is not something I am good at, nor do I want to. Also women don't know what to say to you when they ask you the question I dread the most. The "What do you do" question. They just seem to not know what to do with "I am at home". They all say that they wish they could be home and then seem to can't wait to move on to chat to someone else. Then they all wonder why I am at home when I have a child who is in grade 3 and no other little preschoolers running around.

When did society change so much that it makes women uncomfortable to have to justify why they are at home? Why should I? I guess because I don't, it just makes people uncomfortable. Sometimes I think some people define themselves too much in what they do for a living.

So, I guess the question of the day is who are you?

I am Alice, a happily married women, with one child, who likes to get the most out of life that she can

Thursday, December 15, 2005


It is a cold day here in the butler did it household. Our furnance croaked on a very cold day here. It is -22 Celcius with the windchill outside and inside we woke up to a cool 13 degrees. Right now I am wishing that we had carpet instead of hardwood and ceramic. The guy has been here once and replaced our ignitor and then he left, but I have called him back because it is getting cooler and not warmer. If he is not back here soon I will breaking into the hot toddies, it is noon somewhere in the world now right? ;-)

We are getting ready for full holiday mode .... Family will be here this weekend and the partying will begin. The tree is up, but there are not many gifts under the tree yet, but soon there will be. Sunshine is starting to get in full excitement mode and the food fest is beginning. Sugar plums are dancing in our heads as well as gingerbread, commodore cookies, pies .......

Friday, December 09, 2005

It is a good day

I am a happy soul today. Why you ask? Well, Sunshine has the day off from school, and I always enjoy spending the day with my girl. Hubby will be home from work early, and I made some fudge. It is snowing outside, which makes me feel a little more christmas-cy.

So I guess everything is right in the world right at this moment in time. Later I will worry about finishing my christmas shopping, getting the tree up and rushing about, but right now I am just enjoying the moment. Something we should all stop and enjoy just a little bit more during the christmas season.

So take the time to enjoy the weather, the holiday cheer and your kids and significant other!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

What color are your eyes

Kurt over at soul lessons had this cute quiz, here are my results:

My spouses eyes are brown! My eyes tend to be blue/grey.

Your Eyes Should Be Brown

Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom

What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart

Monday, December 05, 2005

Girls weekend

This past weekend I left my city and went to a bigger city for a girls weekend with my sister and sister-in-law. It was good fun and something I think we should do more often.

My little sister is the quiet one between my two siblings. She was always the observer of the three of us, and only speaks up when she has something to say. She is a private person, as well as a quiet person. She is choosy about her friends and is very loyal to those that are. She has a wicked sense of humor, and when she was younger, I really did think she would be an author. It is not surprising that she is in communications. I figure that when she is older, whe will write a book.

My sister-in-law is a really sweet, my brother is a lucky guy. We knew she was special when brought her home and he introduced us to her, he never ever did that with anyone he dated. So that is how we knew she was the one.

All in all, I love my sisters and I am glad they are in my life!

Thought for the day

A good friend is really hard to find, so when you get them, hang on for dear life to them!