The I must simply have post ...
Can you remember all the things that were all the rage when you were young?
I ask this question because right now my sunshine is in to Webkinz. Right now it is a huge addiction. In our house we really do not need another stuffed animal - but my little ray of light is saving every penny she has and is buying her own. On Friday we had only two webkins in the house, now we have six. We have had an explosion of webkins. Really, all the kids want is the tag so that they can get on the webkinz site and communicate with their friends, and create virtual rooms for these toys. I will give the company credit, they sure got their marketing down. Stores are selling out here faster then they can keep these toys.
So what was the rage that I remember...
how about pogs ...
how about cabbage patch dolls - I can remember my brother (who was twelve at the time), fighting a lady at a local dept store because he happened to be in the store when they put some out and he snagged two and had a friend go call mom to come down and see which one to get for my sister for christmas. I do believe that this lady chased my brother all over the store...
how about trollz
how about Yugio cards
and you knew it was spring when the marbles came out ...
What was your must have?
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