Spring is in the air
Spring is in the air!
Yesterday we saw something on our lawn that we have not seen since November. Yep, the snow has melted away to show some patches of grass! Today it is going up to 8 C and hopefully more will go and we will see more grass. I also saw some of our tulips poking up from the dirt. I am actually surprised there are any left because the squirrels dined on them in the fall and I was having a royal battle trying to save them. Well, a few are left so it is time to begin the battle to save what is left of them.
I love this time of year. The birds are back in full force and they are in dating mode. The bird calls are quite boisterous and our youngest cat is quite excited to sit in our solarium and watch and "talk" to them. She spends a huge part of her morning watching them fly around our yard. I think she would like to be out chasing them, but seeing as all of our cats are house cats, she is not going anywhere.
Soon it will be time to be getting the yard in shape, planting flowers, riding bikes, kids skipping .....
I just love Spring!
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