Thursday, August 31, 2006

Musical Reality

Well ... it has happened and I did not want it to happen

Sunshine and I are hooked on Rockstar Supernova

That was not the plan at all see, Hubby and I watched Rockstar INXS last year and enjoyed it immensely cuz we liked INXS. We were not interested in this years show because we are just not interested in these guys, or the new band supernova.

how did it start for Sunshine and I? Well, I am not so much and Idol fan, and Canadian Idol is on now. I prefer to see real singing, so I thought I would tune in one day to see the calibre of singers that Rockstar had on. So they got me hooked. Sunshine and I have been watching for a while now, and are enjoying the show. I think we just like the contest aspect of it, will we be buying and album, nope don't think so. But heck, we can still watch the show and like it all the same. Plus it is great bonding time for Sunshine and I, we have a great time talking about it together.

Life has been busy here, we had some great vacation time, it was kind of a "pioneer" summer for us. We hit some pioneer villages and toured them. Sunshine thought it was great - she even got to milk a cow and try on a period costume.

Too fun, oh well, summer is practically over and it is time for back to school. Hopefully more blogging will ensue!