Monday, December 04, 2006

Winter came


Just because we are canadian does not mean we have to be cliche and have snow and ice arrive on Dec first, but sure enough, it did. Plus now it is cold, like wear winter coats and winter boots cold. Yuck!

On December first we had an ice storm which was remeniscent of the wicked one we had a few years back. Some of our trees are bent, and there is a thick coating on everything. It is really pretty. Sunshine wanted to go to school, even though they cancelled the buses. So to school I took her. I scraped the car taking her in, and then in the afternoon, it took me 15, 20 minutes to scrape off in order to go and get her. Driving was slippery, and some people lost power for a day because power poles snapped. Wild. We have since had snow on top of our ice, so careful where you step!

here are some pics of it in progress, and in the second picture, it looks hazy, that is because it is pouring freezing rain.