Thursday, March 29, 2007

Saying thanks never seems to be enough

This week I reached another milestone. Four years of being healthy. Four years ago I got a kidney from a family member, and with the exception of a little bump in the road (rejection while I was in hosptial recovering), I am in the pink, and in the best health I have ever been. I marvel everyday how small my ankles are .... That I can eat anything I want ... That I no longer feel like crap ... That everyday is a good healthy day. As I always say, if I felt any better, it would be illegal :)

I always say Thanks to the loved one who volunteered their organ, but really, my whole family and friends should be thanked as well. The support they gave can never be measured - from prayers, phone calls, cards etc... Words cannot express how much I valued the support. Thank you seems like it is not enough.

So for those of you who read here (and you know who you are),

Thank you!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

The I must simply have post ...

Can you remember all the things that were all the rage when you were young?

I ask this question because right now my sunshine is in to Webkinz. Right now it is a huge addiction. In our house we really do not need another stuffed animal - but my little ray of light is saving every penny she has and is buying her own. On Friday we had only two webkins in the house, now we have six. We have had an explosion of webkins. Really, all the kids want is the tag so that they can get on the webkinz site and communicate with their friends, and create virtual rooms for these toys. I will give the company credit, they sure got their marketing down. Stores are selling out here faster then they can keep these toys.

So what was the rage that I remember...

how about pogs ...

how about cabbage patch dolls - I can remember my brother (who was twelve at the time), fighting a lady at a local dept store because he happened to be in the store when they put some out and he snagged two and had a friend go call mom to come down and see which one to get for my sister for christmas. I do believe that this lady chased my brother all over the store...

how about trollz

how about Yugio cards

and you knew it was spring when the marbles came out ...

What was your must have?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Just when you thought Spring had arrived ...

It got a kick from old man winter.

We have been pretty busy in the butler did it household. The past week has been Sunshine's March break. She has not missed school at all this week, and I am not too sure she is looking forward to going back tomorrow.

Her break started in full force last Sunday when we had her birthday party. Her birthday was earlier in the Month, and we celebrated it with family, but last weekend it was all about 10 year old girls. Sunshine wanted to have and Egyptian themed birthday party, so after some helpful planning by my sister-in-law, an egyptian party was held. The girls had a good time finding their names that were done in hieroglyphics, solving puzzles I did for them in hieroglyphics, mummyfiying dolls, then mummyfying themselves, then playing mummy twister.

On Tuesday, Sunshine and I went skiing while poor hubby had to work. This is the first time I have skied in gosh knows how many years, and it was Sunshines first time. She had such a good time, and when we were coming down one of the big hills, she informed me that this was HER sport. This hill also had a deal on tubing, so when we finished skiing for the day, we headed to the tubing hill. I know Sunshine loved this because I could hear her squeals of delight as she whoosed down the hill. Finally I got the nerve up and got down the hill and then saw her face, it had the biggest grin on it that I have ever seen.

Here she is at the top of the tubing hill:

Now this is a picture so something that RARELY happens, and it happened on the way home from skiing/tubing:

On Wednesday, we went skating on our local NHL arena on the ice. It poured rain outside ( a lot of our snow went) and we were skating inside! That was pretty cool.

While we were skating aournd, they had sheets taped to chairs. They were selling the season tickets for the seats, and I took a picture of their prices. Wild!

For the rest of the week, we took it easy, just went out to lunch and putzed around. And we got to shovel snow on Saturday cuz old man winter is not done with us yet. Oh well, spring is this week right? Flowers will be popping up soon right?

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Happy world Kidney Day!

Happy World Kidney Day...

An event that is near and dear to my heart!

Please take the time to go peruse the site!