Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Blogging ......

I have not been blogging all that much (as if you could not tell). I have been more active in facebook and doing some twittering. Hope to get back into the swing of blogging now that I am back here!

Question of the day:

Are you having as wet a summer as we are?

We are feeling totally ripped off in the summer dept. All it does here is rain rain rain, and when it does dry up briefly, we mow mow mow.

is 09 gonna be the summer that forgot to arrive?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

It's been a while

Thought I would try and get back into the swing of blogging .....

It is a snow day here, and Sunshine is currently doing homework she would have to have done for Friday. We are planning on baking once she has completed what she needs to do. We are looking forward to baking, have yummy christmas treats.

Getting ready for christmas is going slowly. I am knitting up a storm and will try and have everything done before the big day arrives. My knitting needles are smoking from all the work I have put them through.

I have a few favourite knitting sites - here are their URLS:

and for a beautiful blog:

Check them out and enjoy

Monday, September 10, 2007

it is so quiet

We had a busy busy summer and now hubby is back at work and Sunshine is back at school.

It is so so quiet.

Fall is coming, you can smell it in the air.

Where did the summer go? It went by way too fast.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

The victims and culprit

The Victims:

The Cuprit:

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Somebody turned off the furnace

For the first day official of summer. It was really ot here for a week and a half, and now we are back down to struggling to get to 20 degrees. We have had some rain, which is really good because our grass looks a wee bit fried. Actually it is asleep.

Sunshine is camping this weekend, so hubby and I have the weekend to ourselves. We are trying to decide what movie to see. So many choices and so little time. Any recommendations?

We are gearing up for Canada day. We are doing something a little different. We are participating in HBC run for Canada. Actually we are going to do the 3 km walk. Sunshien finishes school on Wednesday and I thought on Wednesday we would head downtown to go and pick up our race kit. We are excited about going. It should be fun. More info about it can be found here:

Kinda neat that we are going to be doing something that will benefit our canadian olympic atheletes on Canada day. Should be fun!

The battle over my plants is a losing one. The Sunflower looks completely mauled and now the squirrels are into digging whatever is left of my tulip bulbs. Oh well, I will plant more of them in the fall and they squirrels can eat them in the spring. It is a never ending battle!

Monday, June 18, 2007

What am I to do

I have a garden. Sunshine and I lovingly plant seeds and water them and wait for them to grow. Later in the summer, if all goes well, we freeze our little bit of produce for winter eating.

Here in lies the problem. We have more wildlife here in suburbia then my parents do in the country. We have squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits racoons and groudhogs. They seem to think that I am planting the garden just for them. I fear we are losing the battle....

We planted a sunflower plant last week, and it had 5 blooms on it. I figured it would grow nice and tall and the birds could eat the seeds in the fall. Well, that was a pipe dream, there are currently no bloom left on it, some critter keeps ripping the heads off the flowers and eating them. Maybe some animal has a grudge against sunflowers. Maybe it is too happy a plant!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

the countdown will begin soon

We will soon be getting ready for our grand european adventure! Two weeks away on vacation!

Until then, hubby is knee deep in work, our little ray of sunshine is knee deep in school, and I am knee deep in company. We have had non stop company for the past month and a half, with family here now. Just as this beloved members of our family take off on Monday, more family rolls into town at the beginning of the week, and friends at the end of the week. It is really great to see everyone.

Spring is springing here. We have had some warm weather, and bikes are out and everyone is coming out of their winter hibernation and cleaning up their yards, organizing the plantbeds and just enjoying being outside. We in the butler did it household are no exception. The front flower beds have been tidied, and we are hoping for some more sun so that the tulips will bloom. I am having a bit of a battle with the squirrels eating the tulip bulbs, but they are still some left behind, so some flowers will pop.

Now if I can just hurry the weeks along so that we can go on vacation .....