Thursday, March 29, 2007

Saying thanks never seems to be enough

This week I reached another milestone. Four years of being healthy. Four years ago I got a kidney from a family member, and with the exception of a little bump in the road (rejection while I was in hosptial recovering), I am in the pink, and in the best health I have ever been. I marvel everyday how small my ankles are .... That I can eat anything I want ... That I no longer feel like crap ... That everyday is a good healthy day. As I always say, if I felt any better, it would be illegal :)

I always say Thanks to the loved one who volunteered their organ, but really, my whole family and friends should be thanked as well. The support they gave can never be measured - from prayers, phone calls, cards etc... Words cannot express how much I valued the support. Thank you seems like it is not enough.

So for those of you who read here (and you know who you are),

Thank you!


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