Thursday, June 21, 2007

Somebody turned off the furnace

For the first day official of summer. It was really ot here for a week and a half, and now we are back down to struggling to get to 20 degrees. We have had some rain, which is really good because our grass looks a wee bit fried. Actually it is asleep.

Sunshine is camping this weekend, so hubby and I have the weekend to ourselves. We are trying to decide what movie to see. So many choices and so little time. Any recommendations?

We are gearing up for Canada day. We are doing something a little different. We are participating in HBC run for Canada. Actually we are going to do the 3 km walk. Sunshien finishes school on Wednesday and I thought on Wednesday we would head downtown to go and pick up our race kit. We are excited about going. It should be fun. More info about it can be found here:

Kinda neat that we are going to be doing something that will benefit our canadian olympic atheletes on Canada day. Should be fun!

The battle over my plants is a losing one. The Sunflower looks completely mauled and now the squirrels are into digging whatever is left of my tulip bulbs. Oh well, I will plant more of them in the fall and they squirrels can eat them in the spring. It is a never ending battle!


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