Monday, June 18, 2007

What am I to do

I have a garden. Sunshine and I lovingly plant seeds and water them and wait for them to grow. Later in the summer, if all goes well, we freeze our little bit of produce for winter eating.

Here in lies the problem. We have more wildlife here in suburbia then my parents do in the country. We have squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits racoons and groudhogs. They seem to think that I am planting the garden just for them. I fear we are losing the battle....

We planted a sunflower plant last week, and it had 5 blooms on it. I figured it would grow nice and tall and the birds could eat the seeds in the fall. Well, that was a pipe dream, there are currently no bloom left on it, some critter keeps ripping the heads off the flowers and eating them. Maybe some animal has a grudge against sunflowers. Maybe it is too happy a plant!


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