Monday, March 27, 2006


Today is an anniversary for my family.

Three years ago today, I received a gift, a very precious gift that I am so thankful. In fact, every single day since March 27th, 2003 I marvel how much this gift has given to me and my family, how it has changed our lives, and certainly mine for the better. This very generous gift was given to me out of love and words cannot express how thankful I am for it.

What is this gift you ask? Well it is the gift of good health. Something that many of us take for granted.

How was the gift delivered? Well, it took most of the day three years ago, but it came from one of the members of my family and it was transplanted into my body. Yes I received an organ, a kidney, and it has improved my quality of life in ways I cannot describe. I could not believe when I woke up from surgery, how much better I felt and it was all thanks for the unselfishness of a gift. I was so lucky because this person volunteered, and because of them I did not have to experience dialysis.

Thank you.


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