Saturday, January 14, 2006

Am I too choosy?

Am I too choosy about who I consider a friend? Am I closing myself off too much?

As I am getting older, I seem to be getting more selective as to who I spend my time with. I don't know if it is because I am getting older and I can't be bothered to make new friends, if it was because I was chronically ill for a long time and just did not have the time to invest in friends, or living in a big transient city that does not allow for long term friendships, or is it because we are so busy with our lives that we just can't poke our heads up to say hello to our neighbour? I just don't know.

Where do people make friends?

We don't live in the city where me or my spouse grew up, so that leaves out childhood friends. Sure we keep in touch with a few of them, but we only see them when we drive 1200 km to see them. So that leaves out Friday night get togethers. Hubby has work friends, but they too are wrapped up in their lives, running kids around everywhere, as are we with sunshine.

Have we gotten too busy? Are we too wrapped up in our lives?

I just don't know what the answer is to any of this ...


Blogger david C said...

Hang out with family (or move back east)...

We will start from scratch finding friends out east this spring. I hope it is not too hard.

7:07 AM  

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