Tuesday, March 28, 2006

It's here, It's here!

yes, it is here! Spring has arrived!

How do I know?

I just hung out my first line of clothes to dry!

hmmm, fresh smelling sheets, I just love that fresh outdoors smell!


Monday, March 27, 2006


Today is an anniversary for my family.

Three years ago today, I received a gift, a very precious gift that I am so thankful. In fact, every single day since March 27th, 2003 I marvel how much this gift has given to me and my family, how it has changed our lives, and certainly mine for the better. This very generous gift was given to me out of love and words cannot express how thankful I am for it.

What is this gift you ask? Well it is the gift of good health. Something that many of us take for granted.

How was the gift delivered? Well, it took most of the day three years ago, but it came from one of the members of my family and it was transplanted into my body. Yes I received an organ, a kidney, and it has improved my quality of life in ways I cannot describe. I could not believe when I woke up from surgery, how much better I felt and it was all thanks for the unselfishness of a gift. I was so lucky because this person volunteered, and because of them I did not have to experience dialysis.

Thank you.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Time for another survey

I did say I love these things right?
Most of what this one says is pretty much who I am.....

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered.

Spring is in the air

Spring is in the air!

Yesterday we saw something on our lawn that we have not seen since November. Yep, the snow has melted away to show some patches of grass! Today it is going up to 8 C and hopefully more will go and we will see more grass. I also saw some of our tulips poking up from the dirt. I am actually surprised there are any left because the squirrels dined on them in the fall and I was having a royal battle trying to save them. Well, a few are left so it is time to begin the battle to save what is left of them.

I love this time of year. The birds are back in full force and they are in dating mode. The bird calls are quite boisterous and our youngest cat is quite excited to sit in our solarium and watch and "talk" to them. She spends a huge part of her morning watching them fly around our yard. I think she would like to be out chasing them, but seeing as all of our cats are house cats, she is not going anywhere.

Soon it will be time to be getting the yard in shape, planting flowers, riding bikes, kids skipping .....

I just love Spring!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Paying respects

Yesterday hubby and I went to a funeral.

It was a sad and beautiful affair. Sad, because the wife, sons and their wives, grandchildren and great grandchild are going to miss him terribly. Beautiful, because the sons shared their memories of a once vibrant man who had experienced a lot in his 89 almost 90 years. I learned many interesting things about the deceased - such as, he was in the navy in WWII, he worked for the CN Railway, and travelled the world and lived in a different parts of Africa for a time as a consultant for Railways. It was interesting to hear brief snippets of his life and left you longing to know more. Through his sons, it seemed like we were on a whirlwind tour of history through this mans life. Not the history that you read in books, but a working persons history of what it was like to live during the depression, WWII and of course, raising a family.

You can't help after such and event about reflecting about your family's history. On my mom's side, my grand-father was a miner who mined iron ore which was sent back to England to help with the war effort. I can remember him telling some stories of the mine, but it is our mom who tells us about it now, though her perspective is from the family that was at home and her memories of her dad coming home from the mine totally black and covered in ore dust, or the worry that they had if there was a problem at the mine and so on and so forth. On dad's side, his parents were educators. My grand-mother was one of the first female teachers in their area, and my grandfather at the end of his career was the school inspector. To this day I am still known as the old school inspectors grand-daughter.