A fun get together
We had a get together this past weekend of people that used to work with hubby 16 years ago. It was fun and interesting in many different ways.
The first being, how has everyone changed in appearance. Some of these people we have seen on and off over the years, but some we have not seen in quite some time. Everyone looks pretty much the same, maybe a little heavier and greyer, but still the same.
The second, is most of us have families. We are all in different stages of child rearing, and it is interesting to watch different styles of parenting. Our children's ages ranged from teenage years, to the age of 18 months. Most of us with the older children are long past the years of chasing your kids around to make sure that they are not into everything. As I watched the mom chase her littlest one around, I could not help but remember that time and am awfully thankful that I am past it.
The third and maybe the thing that shows the new economy is this, of the seven people who worked at this big high tech company, hubby is the only one who has worked there for the past 16 years. Two guys are unemployed and have not found jobs, two are back at school, one went somewhere else, got laid off and is back working at the big company again, and one has totally given up looking. Yep, new economy. The two guys who went to school again are studying in a different field altogether. Interesting eh (okay, I am showing my Canadian roots). We are just a small sampling of the 40 k that was laid off.
All in all we had fun catching up and plan to do it again soon, maybe a pool party. Hopefully by then, more of our group will be employed.
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