Sunday, January 08, 2006

Sunday night

9:16 pm and am hoping that my little sunshine gets to sleep soon. She is going to be a bear tomorrow in school when we get back into our routine.

I like routine. When I was laid off several years ago and I was upset, it was not so much because I had just lost a job I really liked, but because I did not know what to do with myself the next day, where was I going to go. I like order. Must be the virgo in me.

Anyway, back into a routine we go. Hubby went back to work this past Tuesday, and Sunshine is back in school tomorrow. I know she is going to be absolutlety wiped by the end of the week. She has enjoyed the holidays and bed time has slid big time. I pity the teacher tomorrow. I suspect a lot of grade three kids are going to be pooped.

Tomorrow the big plans are to clean the house and do some knitting. Yep, back to my obsession that was sadly neglected over the holidays. My fingers are itching, I have grand plans, I foresee many dollars spent on yarn! It is the perfect time of year to hunker down, sit by a fire with either a good book, or some yarn and knitting needles. Before I know it, the snow will have melted and we will be planting spring flowers!

Question for the day:

How about it, join me by the fire and tell me what book you would read, or what you would do!


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