Friday, September 30, 2005

Yeah it is Friday!!

TGIF Baby!

It has been a geat Friday so far. I went to the gym and worked out and then met up with my sister at home and went and had a facial and manicure. There is nothing like a bit of pampering to make you feel like a million bucks.

I like getting my face deep cleaned. My only question is this, why is it when they are cleaning your face and they have music on and they have your head wrapped up so that you cannot hear a whole lot, they ask you questions and tell you what they are doing in a whisper? I almost feel like I shouting what? when I answer them. I know it is to make you feel relaxed and all, but sometimes I think I am losing my hearing. I also love when they tell you they are going to do an extraction now - makes me chuckle, what a beautiful way to say that they are going to get rid of your zits and blackheads. Really too much!

Think it is time to tell my beloved that I cannot make supper, my hands are too soft and supple from my manicure :-)

motto for the day

Beauty is everywhere, stop for a minute and enjoy it darnit!

Thursday, September 29, 2005

How do you get motivated to do something?

How do you get motivated to do something that you should do or need to do?

Currently I am sitting here trying to convince myself I should head to the gym, bake cookies, vacuum the carpet, just do something, but heck, motivation is just gone out the window. Maybe I am just a procrastinator at heart.

Thought for the day

Give yourself a goal, and the benefits will go far beyond you. You'll be making your world a more valuable and fulfilling place to live.

-- Ralph Marston

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Getting back into the making lunch grind

Okay ...

So it is like the third week of school and I am tired of making lunches for my little ray of sunshine. It would be great if sunshine liked sandwiches, but sunshine does not. So chef boyardee, soup and sometimes leftovers (if it passes the I like it test). Compound that with sunshines deskmate having a severe nut allergy (so you remember the days when people were just allergic to bees???). Ok, no nuts, I can handle that. Next, they want fruit, okay starting to get a bit more stressed, and now to top it off, after lunch, nothing messy to have with sunshines afternoon break so that reading time is not messy.

Okay - so let me get this straight - No sandwiches, No nuts, Nutritious and not messy.

Sure no problem.....

I am now resorting to making lunch when sunshine is not in the room, because I get comments about what is liked and what is not.....

Oh how I long for the days of pb&j

Thought for the day

How many more days until pizza day hunny?

Monday, September 26, 2005

Rainy day blues

Well, it is a rainy day here, but we cannot really complain compared to all they rain and devestation that they have had south of the border. Part of the problem is that we can smell fall in the air, and while it is a beautiful time of year, the dreaded cold weather is on the way which means hunkering down and staying warm, while trying not to go broke heating the house. Oh well...

Spent the day scapbooking with one of my best friends. It is quite the hobby and it is fun revisiting the memories. Currently I am scrapping the London portion of our trip. We had such a good time with my brother and his wife, and then with mom and dad. I know I would love another family trip like that......

motto for the day

Live like there's no tomorrow...
Love like you've never been hurt, and Dance like there's nobody watching.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

My brother got me into this

So it is his fault that I now have a blog.

If I were really honest, I would admit that I have been thinking of it for quite some time and have wanted to do it, but just have never done it. Well, here it goes!