Tuesday, October 18, 2005


While waiting at the bus stop for sunshine this afternoon I was mesmorized by the grackles that were swooping and landing on people's lawn for what seemed like seconds and then they were off again. I enjoyed watching their dance in the rainy weather we are having. I wondered what made them decide whose lawn to land on, what colorful tree to sit on, and who was the ringleader of the flock. They were almost dancing around in the sky with their spotted wings. It is so pretty, like the leaves that are falling from the trees, doing their downward dance to the ground. It seems like Spring is the time for renewal and song, where as fall is the time for just one more last dance in the symphony of colorful trees before everyone takes off for winter.

Maybe that is what Fall is all about, one great last colorful party with everyone before hibernating in our houses for the winter.

Something to ponder

Do we really have to wait until you retire hunny before we can become snow birds?


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