Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Run away to ....

the circus ...

Now you ask why "Run away to the cirus"? Well, it all has to do with my brother, I call him my lil brother, thought he is taller than I and much more travelled than I.

You see, my brother is in the entertainment industry, he is not famous, well, let me re-phrase that, he is famous in our family. He is the behind the scenes guy, and is well respected in his industry.

Anyway, I always say that after he left home he ran away and joined the circus. Now this statment is a little true because he did work on a travelling circus, and hopefully one day he will recount some of his stories on his blog ( Even better would be if he published a book. I can remember being 5 months pregnant, sitting in Wendy's listening to his adventures with the circus and almost falling off my chair cuz I was laughing so hard.

My brother, sister and I are very close, but we are all very different individuals. We all have chosen different work paths, but all are creative in our own ways. My brother - theatre, my sister - the written word, and me - in knitting, pictures, cooking and colors. I love that we all have a creative side and express it in different ways, and in some respects - similarly. I love these guys very much and would do anything for them, and I know that they would do the same for me.

Our parents did a good job if I say so myself!

Question of the day:

The Monkeys did what Dave ?


Blogger david C said...

A couple of the monkeys liked to have a smoke and a beer at the end of the night with the trainer, after the last show.

One of em was more human than a few people I know...

thanks for the endorsement of my blog.. Pics are coming along nicely.

1:09 PM  

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